Create an ask-astro Slack bot#

  1. Go to

  2. Click Create New Apps. 1-create-new-app

  3. On the Create an app page, click From scratch.

  4. Name the app and pick a Slack workspace 3-name-app After creating the Slack app, Slack redirects you to the home page of this app. 4-app-home-page

  5. Scroll down, to find the credentials for the ask-astro API backend 5-credentials

    • SLACK_CLIENT_ID: Client ID

    • SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET: Client Secret

    • SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET: Signing Secret

  6. Start the ask-astro API backend by using a reachable host, such as ngrok.

  7. Go to the OAuth & Permissions page.

  8. Add https://<ask-astro api backend host>/slack/oauth_redirect to Redirect URLs. 6-redirect-url

  9. Add the following scopes.

    • commands

    • app_mentions:read

    • channels:read

    • channels:history

    • groups:read

    • groups:history

    • chat:write

    • reactions:read

    • reactions:write

    • users:read


    • team:read

    • im:history

    • mpim:history

    • files:read 7-scope

  10. Go to Event Subscriptions page for your App. (<API_ID>/event-subscriptions?)

  11. Set Request URL to https://<ask-astro api backend host>/slack/events. 8-event-subscription

  12. Go to the Interactivity & Shortcuts page.

  13. Set Request URL to https://<ask-astro api backend host>/slack/events.

  14. Go to https://<ask-astro api backend host>/slack/install and click Add to Slack. 9-slack-install

The ask-astro bot is now available to use in your Slack work space!