Getting Started =============== **1. Install Helm:** .. code-block:: sh curl -fsSL -o chmod 700 ./ See the `installing Helm `_ page for other options. .. note:: This step is only required if you do not have a ray cluster and intend to spin it up using the provider. **2. Install the python package:** .. code-block:: sh pip install astro-provider-ray **3. Setting up the Airflow connection** - Setup/Teardown a Ray cluster on Kubernetes - **Connection ID**: e.g., "ray_k8s_conn" - **Connection Type**: "Ray" - **Kube config path** OR **Kube config content (JSON format)**: Kubeconfig of the Kubernetes cluster where Ray cluster must be set up - **Namespace**: The K8s namespace where your cluster must be created. If not provided, "default" is used - **Optional fields**: Cluster context, Disable SSL, Disable TCP keepalive - Use an existing Ray cluster - **Connection ID**: e.g., "ray_conn" - **Connection Type**: "Ray" - **Ray dashboard URL**: URL of the Ray dashboard - **Optional fields**: Cookies, Metadata, Headers, Verify SSL .. image:: ../_static/connection.png :align: center