.. _generating-docs: Generating Docs =============== dbt allows you to generate static documentation on your models, tables, and more. You can read more about it in the `official dbt documentation `_. For an example of what the docs look like with the ``jaffle_shop`` project, check out `this site `_. After generating the dbt docs, you can host them natively within Airflow via the Cosmos Airflow plugin; see `Hosting Docs `__ for more information. Alternatively, many users choose to serve these docs on a separate static website. This is a great way to share your data models with a broad array of stakeholders. Cosmos offers two pre-built ways of generating and uploading dbt docs and a fallback option to run custom code after the docs are generated: - :class:`~cosmos.operators.DbtDocsS3Operator`: generates and uploads docs to a S3 bucket. - :class:`~cosmos.operators.DbtDocsAzureStorageOperator`: generates and uploads docs to an Azure Blob Storage. - :class:`~cosmos.operators.DbtDocsGCSOperator`: generates and uploads docs to a GCS bucket. - :class:`~cosmos.operators.DbtDocsOperator`: generates docs and runs a custom callback. The first three operators require you to have a connection to the target storage. The last operator allows you to run custom code after the docs are generated in order to upload them to a storage of your choice. Examples ---------------------- Upload to S3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S3 supports serving static files directly from a bucket. To learn more (and to set it up), check out the `official S3 documentation `_. You can use the :class:`~cosmos.operators.DbtDocsS3Operator` to generate and upload docs to a S3 bucket. The following code snippet shows how to do this with the default jaffle_shop project: .. code-block:: python from cosmos.operators import DbtDocsS3Operator # then, in your DAG code: generate_dbt_docs_aws = DbtDocsS3Operator( task_id="generate_dbt_docs_aws", project_dir="path/to/jaffle_shop", profile_config=profile_config, # docs-specific arguments connection_id="test_aws", bucket_name="test_bucket", ) Upload to Azure Blob Storage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Azure Blob Storage supports serving static files directly from a container. To learn more (and to set it up), check out the `official documentation `_. You can use the :class:`~cosmos.operators.DbtDocsAzureStorageOperator` to generate and upload docs to an Azure Blob Storage. The following code snippet shows how to do this with the default jaffle_shop project: .. code-block:: python from cosmos.operators import DbtDocsAzureStorageOperator # then, in your DAG code: generate_dbt_docs_azure = DbtDocsAzureStorageOperator( task_id="generate_dbt_docs_azure", project_dir="path/to/jaffle_shop", profile_config=profile_config, # docs-specific arguments connection_id="test_azure", bucket_name="$web", ) Upload to GCS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GCS supports serving static files directly from a bucket. To learn more (and to set it up), check out the `official GCS documentation `_. You can use the :class:`~cosmos.operators.DbtDocsGCSOperator` to generate and upload docs to a GCS bucket. The following code snippet shows how to do this with the default jaffle_shop project: .. code-block:: python from cosmos.operators import DbtDocsGCSOperator # then, in your DAG code: generate_dbt_docs_aws = DbtDocsGCSOperator( task_id="generate_dbt_docs_gcs", project_dir="path/to/jaffle_shop", profile_config=profile_config, # docs-specific arguments connection_id="test_gcs", bucket_name="test_bucket", ) Choosing a folder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All the DbtDocsOperators support specification of a custom folder (prefix) to place documentation in on the target cloud storage. This can be done by adding a ``folder_dir`` parameter to the operator definition. Static Flag ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All of the DbtDocsOperator accept the ``--static`` flag. To learn more about the static flag, check out the `original PR on dbt-core `_. The static flag is used to generate a single doc file that can be hosted directly from cloud storage. By having a single documentation file, you can make use of Access control can be configured through Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP), and making it easy to host. .. note:: The static flag is only available from dbt-core >=1.7 The following code snippet shows how to provide this flag with the default jaffle_shop project: .. code-block:: python from cosmos.operators import DbtDocsGCSOperator # then, in your DAG code: generate_dbt_docs_aws = DbtDocsGCSOperator( task_id="generate_dbt_docs_gcs", project_dir="path/to/jaffle_shop", profile_config=profile_config, # docs-specific arguments connection_id="test_gcs", bucket_name="test_bucket", dbt_cmd_flags=["--static"], ) Custom Callback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to run custom code after the docs are generated, you can use the :class:`~cosmos.operators.DbtDocsOperator`. The following code snippet shows how to do this with the default jaffle_shop project: .. code-block:: python from cosmos.operators import DbtDocsOperator from airflow.providers.amazon.aws.hooks.s3 import S3Hook def upload_to_s3(project_dir: str): # Upload the docs to S3 hook = S3Hook(aws_conn_id="aws_conn_id") for dir, _, files in os.walk(project_dir): for file in files: hook.load_file( filename=os.path.join(dir, file), key=file, bucket_name="my-bucket", replace=True, ) def upload_docs(project_dir): # upload docs to a storage of your choice # you only need to upload the following files: # - f"{project_dir}/target/index.html" # - f"{project_dir}/target/manifest.json" # - f"{project_dir}/target/graph.gpickle" # - f"{project_dir}/target/catalog.json" pass # then, in your DAG code: generate_dbt_docs = DbtDocsOperator( task_id="generate_dbt_docs", project_dir="path/to/jaffle_shop", profile_config=profile_config, # docs-specific arguments callback=upload_docs, )