.. _kubernetes: Kubernetes Execution Mode ============================================== The following tutorial illustrates how to run the Cosmos dbt Kubernetes Operator using a local K8s cluster. It assumes the following: - Postgres is run in the Kubernetes (K8s) cluster as a container - Airflow is run locally, and it triggers a K8s Pod which runs dbt Requirements ++++++++++++ To test the DbtKubernetesOperators locally, we encourage you to install the following: - Local Airflow (either standalone or using Astro CLI) - `Kind `_ to run K8s locally - `Helm `_ to install Postgres in K8s - `Docker `_ to create the dbt container image, which will allow Airflow to create a K8s pod which will run dbt At the moment, the user is expected to add to the Docker image both: - The dbt project files - The dbt Profile which contains the information for dbt to access the database - Handle secrets Additional KubernetesPodOperator parameters can be added on the operator_args parameter of the DbtKubernetesOperator. For instance, .. literalinclude:: ../../dev/dags/jaffle_shop_kubernetes.py :language: python :start-after: [START kubernetes_tg_example] :end-before: [END kubernetes_tg_example] Step-by-step instructions +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Using installed `Kind `_, you can setup a local kubernetes cluster .. code-block:: bash kind create cluster Deploy a Postgres pod to Kind using `Helm `_ .. code-block:: bash helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami helm repo update helm install postgres bitnami/postgresql Retrieve the Postgres password and set it as an environment variable .. code-block:: bash export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default postgres-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgres-password}" | base64 -d) Check that the environment variable was set and that it is not empty .. code-block:: bash echo $POSTGRES_PASSWORD Expose the Postgres to the host running Docker/Kind .. code-block:: bash kubectl port-forward --namespace default postgres-postgresql-0 5432:5432 Check that you're able to connect to the exposed pod .. code-block:: bash PGPASSWORD="$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" psql --host -U postgres -d postgres -p 5432 postgres=# \dt \q Create a K8s secret which contains the credentials to access Postgres .. code-block:: bash kubectl create secret generic postgres-secrets --from-literal=host=postgres-postgresql.default.svc.cluster.local --from-literal=password=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD Clone the example repo that contains the Airflow DAG and dbt project files .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/astronomer/cosmos-example.git cd cosmos-example/ Create a docker image containing the dbt project files and dbt profile by using the `Dockerfile `_, which will be run in K8s. .. code-block:: bash docker build -t dbt-jaffle-shop:1.0.0 -f Dockerfile.postgres_profile_docker_k8s . .. note:: If running on M1, you may need to set the following envvars for running the docker build command in case it fails .. code-block:: bash export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 export COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=0 export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64 Take a read of the Dockerfile to understand what it does so that you could use it as a reference in your project. - The `dbt profile `_ file is added to the image - The dags directory containing the `dbt project jaffle_shop `_ is added to the image - The dbt_project.yml is replaced with `postgres_profile_dbt_project.yml `_ which contains the profile key pointing to postgres_profile as profile creation is not handled at the moment for K8s operators like in local mode. Make the build image available in the Kind K8s cluster .. code-block:: bash kind load docker-image dbt-jaffle-shop:1.0.0 Create a Python virtual environment and install the latest version of Astronomer Cosmos which contains the K8s Operator .. code-block:: bash python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip pip install "astronomer-cosmos[dbt-postgres]" Copy the dags directory from cosmos-example repo to your Airflow home .. code-block:: bash cp -r dags $AIRFLOW_HOME/ Run Airflow .. code-block:: bash airflow standalone .. note:: You might need to run airflow standalone with ``sudo`` if your Airflow user is not able to access the docker socket URL or pull the images in the Kind cluster. Log in to Airflow through a web browser ``http://localhost:8080/``, using the user ``airflow`` and the password described in the ``standalone_admin_password.txt`` file. Enable and trigger a run of the `jaffle_shop_k8s `_ DAG. You will be able to see the following successful DAG run. .. figure:: https://github.com/astronomer/astronomer-cosmos/raw/main/docs/_static/jaffle_shop_k8s_dag_run.png :width: 800