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Prometheus Data Fetching

The PrometheusData class in is crucial for populating the metric models with real-time data from Prometheus. It provides an efficient and robust mechanism for fetching large amounts of data over extended time periods.

Key Features

  1. Asynchronous Data Fetching: Utilizes asyncio for non-blocking API calls, improving performance.
  2. Batched Queries: Implements a batching mechanism to handle large date ranges without overwhelming the Prometheus API or client.
  3. Error Handling: Robust error handling for API failures and data inconsistencies.
  4. Data Processing: Converts raw API responses into Polars DataFrames for efficient data manipulation.

Data Fetching Mechanism

The query_over_range method implements a sophisticated batching strategy:

  1. Time Period Division: The total query time range is divided into smaller periods (default 6 hours).
  2. Parallel Queries: Multiple queries are executed in parallel for each time period.
  3. Data Aggregation: Results from all periods are combined into a single DataFrame.
  4. Data Cleaning: Duplicate timestamps are removed, and values are sorted and cast to the appropriate data type.

This approach allows Orbis to fetch and process data for extended time ranges that would typically cause issues in the Prometheus web UI.

Populating Models

The PrometheusData class doesn't directly populate the models but provides the raw data needed:

  1. The query_over_range method returns a Polars DataFrame with timestamp and value columns.
  2. This DataFrame is then used in to create Figure objects and calculate metrics.
  3. The calculated metrics are used to populate MetricCalculation and NamespaceReport objects.


Adding new metrics or modifying existing ones primarily involves:

  1. Updating the query strings passed to query_over_range.
  2. Adjusting the data processing logic in if the new metric requires special handling.

The PrometheusData class itself rarely needs modification when adding new metrics, making it a stable foundation for Orbis's data fetching needs.


The PrometheusData class uses a list of queries to fetch data from the Prometheus API. These queries are divided into batches and executed in parallel to improve performance.

Prometheus Queries

This document details all the Prometheus queries used by Orbis to collect metrics.

# Scheduler CPU usage rate over 5-minute intervals
rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="astronomer-optical-illusion-5432", container="scheduler"}[5m])

# Scheduler memory usage in gigabytes
max(container_memory_working_set_bytes{namespace="astronomer-optical-illusion-5432", container="scheduler"}) by (pod)
/(1024 * 1024 *1024)

# Total count of successful task instances

# Total count of failed task instances

# Hourly increase in successful tasks

# Hourly increase in failed tasks

# Celery workers CPU usage rate over 5-minute intervals
rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="astronomer-optical-illusion-5432", container="worker", pod=~"astronomer-optical-illusion-5432-worker-.*"}[5m])

# Celery workers memory usage in gigabytes
max(container_memory_working_set_bytes{namespace="astronomer-optical-illusion-5432", container="worker", pod=~"astronomer-optical-illusion-5432-worker-.*"}) by (pod)
/(1024 * 1024 *1024)

# Count of Celery worker pods
count(kube_pod_info{namespace="astronomer-optical-illusion-5432", pod=~"astronomer-optical-illusion-5432-worker-.*"})

# Kubernetes Pod Operator CPU usage
  * on (pod) group_left()
  sum by (pod) (

# Kubernetes Pod Operator memory usage in gigabytes
  * on (pod) group_left()
  max by (pod) (
)/(1024 * 1024 *1024)

# Kubernetes Executor CPU usage
  * on (pod) group_left()
  sum by (pod) (
  * on (pod) group_left()
  sum by (pod) (

# Kubernetes Executor memory usage in gigabytes
  * on (pod) group_left()
  sum by (pod) (
  * on (pod) group_left()
  sum by (pod) (
)/(1024 * 1024 * 1024)

Metric Aggregation

For each metric, we calculate the following aggregations:

  • Minimum value
  • Maximum value
  • Mean value
  • Median value

These aggregations help provide a comprehensive view of the metric's behavior over time.