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A Ruleset is a collection of Rules that are evaluated in priority order

A TranslationRuleset is a container for Rulesets, which applies to a specific translation

>>> TranslationRuleset(
...   file_type={FileTypeJSON},                                      # Has a file type
...   translate_fn=fake_translate,                                  # and can have a callable
...   # translate_fn="orbiter.rules.translate.fake_translate",      # or a qualified name to a function
...   dag_filter_ruleset={"ruleset": [{"rule": lambda x: None}]},   # Rulesets can be dict within dicts
...   dag_ruleset=DAGRuleset(ruleset=[Rule(rule=lambda x: None)]),  # or objects within objects
...   task_filter_ruleset=EMPTY_RULESET,                            # or a mix
...   task_ruleset=EMPTY_RULESET,
...   task_dependency_ruleset=EMPTY_RULESET,                        # Omitted for brevity
...   post_processing_ruleset=EMPTY_RULESET,
... )


Name Type Description
file_type Set[Type[FileType]]

FileType to translate

dag_filter_ruleset DAGFilterRuleset | dict
dag_ruleset DAGRuleset | dict
task_filter_ruleset TaskFilterRuleset | dict
task_ruleset TaskRuleset | dict
task_dependency_ruleset TaskDependencyRuleset | dict
post_processing_ruleset PostProcessingRuleset | dict
translate_fn Callable[[TranslationRuleset, Path], OrbiterProject] | str | TranslateFn

Either a qualified name to a function (e.g., or a function reference, with the signature:
(translation_ruleset: Translation Ruleset, input_dir: Path) -> OrbiterProject


Name Description

Convert Python dictionary back to source string form, useful for testing


Get the first file extension for this ruleset


A generator that yields files with a specific extension(s) in a directory


Converts all files of type into a Python dictionary "intermediate representation" form,


Test an input against the whole ruleset.


dumps(input_dict: dict, ext: str | None = None) -> str

Convert Python dictionary back to source string form, useful for testing


Name Type Description
input_dict dict

The dictionary to convert to a string

ext str | None

The file type extension to dump as, defaults to first 'file_type' in the set


Type Description

The string representation of the input_dict, in the file_type format

Source code in orbiter/rules/
def dumps(self, input_dict: dict, ext: str | None = None) -> str:
    Convert Python dictionary back to source string form, useful for testing

    :param input_dict: The dictionary to convert to a string
    :type input_dict: dict
    :param ext: The file type extension to dump as, defaults to first 'file_type' in the set
    :type ext: str | None
    :return str: The string representation of the input_dict, in the file_type format
    :rtype: str
    for file_type in self.file_type:
        if ext is None or ext.lower() in file_type.extension:
            return file_type.dump_fn(input_dict)
    raise TypeError(f"Invalid file_type={ext}")


get_ext() -> str

Get the first file extension for this ruleset

Source code in orbiter/rules/
def get_ext(self) -> str:
    Get the first file extension for this ruleset


    return next(iter(next(iter(self.file_type)).extension))


    input_dir: Path,
) -> Generator[Path, dict]

A generator that yields files with a specific extension(s) in a directory


Name Type Description
input_dir Path

The directory to search in


Type Description
Generator[Path, dict]

Generator item of (Path, dict) for each file found

Source code in orbiter/rules/
def get_files_with_extension(self, input_dir: Path) -> Generator[Path, dict]:
    A generator that yields files with a specific extension(s) in a directory

    :param input_dir: The directory to search in
    :type input_dir: Path
    :return: Generator item of (Path, dict) for each file found
    :rtype: Generator[Path, dict]
    for directory, _, files in input_dir.walk() if hasattr(input_dir, "walk") else _backport_walk(input_dir):
        logger.debug(f"Checking directory={directory}")
        for file in files:
            file = directory / file
            # noinspection PyBroadException
                yield (
                    # Return the file path
                    # and load the file and convert it into a python dict
            except TypeError:
                logger.debug(f"File={file} not of correct type, skipping...")


loads(file: Path) -> dict

Converts all files of type into a Python dictionary "intermediate representation" form, prior to any rulesets being applied.


Name Type Description
file Path

The file to load


Type Description

The dictionary representation of the input_str

Source code in orbiter/rules/
def loads(self, file: Path) -> dict:
    Converts all files of type into a Python dictionary "intermediate representation" form,
    prior to any rulesets being applied.

    :param file: The file to load
    :type file: Path
    :return: The dictionary representation of the input_str
    :rtype: dict
    for file_type in self.file_type:
        if file.suffix.lower() in {f".{ext.lower()}" for ext in file_type.extension}:
                return file_type.load_fn(file.read_text())
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error(f"Error loading file={file}! Skipping!\n{e}")
    raise TypeError(f"Invalid file_type={file.suffix}, does not match file_type={self.file_type}")


test(input_value: str | dict) -> OrbiterProject

Test an input against the whole ruleset. - 'input_dict' (a parsed python dict) - or 'input_str' (raw value) to test against the ruleset.


Name Type Description
input_value str | dict

The input to test can be either a dict (passed to translate_ruleset.dumps() before translate_ruleset.loads()) or a string (read directly by translate_ruleset.loads())


Type Description

OrbiterProject produced after applying the ruleset

Source code in orbiter/rules/
def test(self, input_value: str | dict) -> OrbiterProject:
    Test an input against the whole ruleset.
    - 'input_dict' (a parsed python dict)
    - or 'input_str' (raw value) to test against the ruleset.

    :param input_value: The input to test
        can be either a dict (passed to `translate_ruleset.dumps()` before `translate_ruleset.loads()`)
        or a string (read directly by `translate_ruleset.loads()`)
    :type input_value: str | dict
    :return: OrbiterProject produced after applying the ruleset
    :rtype: OrbiterProject
    with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
        file = Path(tempdir) / f"{uuid.uuid4()}.{self.get_ext()}"
        file.write_text(self.dumps(input_value) if isinstance(input_value, dict) else input_value)
        return self.translate_fn(translation_ruleset=self, input_dir=file.parent)



Name Description

Abstract Base File Type


JIL File Type


JSON File Type


XML File Type


YAML File Type


Name Description

Calls xmltodict.parse and does post-processing fixes.


Abstract Base File Type


Name Type Description
extension Set[str]

The file extension(s) for this file type

load_fn Callable[[str], dict]

The function to load the file into a dictionary for this file type

dump_fn Callable[[dict], str]

The function to dump a dictionary to a string for this file type


JIL File Type


Name Type Description
extension Set[str]


load_fn Callable[[str], dict]

custom JIL loading function

dump_fn Callable[[dict], str]

custom JIL dumping function


JSON File Type

>>> out = FileTypeJSON.dump_fn({'a': 1}); out
'{"a": 1}'
>>> FileTypeJSON.load_fn(out)
{'a': 1}


Name Type Description
extension Set[str]


load_fn Callable[[str], dict]


dump_fn Callable[[dict], str]



XML File Type


This class uses a custom xmltodict_parse method to standardize the output to a list of dictionaries

>>> out = FileTypeXML.dump_fn({'a': 1}); out
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<a>1</a>'
>>> FileTypeXML.load_fn(out)
{'a': '1'}


Name Type Description
extension Set[str]


load_fn Callable[[str], dict]


dump_fn Callable[[dict], str]



YAML File Type

>>> out = FileTypeYAML.dump_fn({'a': 1}); out
'a: 1\n'
>>> FileTypeYAML.load_fn(out)
{'a': 1}


Name Type Description
extension Set[str]


load_fn Callable[[str], dict]


dump_fn Callable[[dict], str]



xmltodict_parse(input_str: str) -> Any

Calls xmltodict.parse and does post-processing fixes.


The original xmltodict.parse method returns EITHER:

  • a dict (one child element of type)
  • or a list of dict (many child element of type)

This behavior can be confusing, and is an issue with the original xml spec being referenced.

This method deviates by standardizing to the latter case (always a list[dict]).

All XML elements will be a list of dictionaries, even if there's only one element.

>>> xmltodict_parse("")
Traceback (most recent call last):
xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: no element found: line 1, column 0
>>> xmltodict_parse("<a></a>")
{'a': None}
>>> xmltodict_parse("<a foo='bar'></a>")
{'a': [{'@foo': 'bar'}]}
>>> xmltodict_parse("<a foo='bar'><foo bar='baz'></foo></a>")  # Singleton - gets modified
{'a': [{'@foo': 'bar', 'foo': [{'@bar': 'baz'}]}]}
>>> xmltodict_parse("<a foo='bar'><foo bar='baz'><bar><bop></bop></bar></foo></a>")  # Nested Singletons - modified
{'a': [{'@foo': 'bar', 'foo': [{'@bar': 'baz', 'bar': [{'bop': None}]}]}]}
>>> xmltodict_parse("<a foo='bar'><foo bar='baz'></foo><foo bing='bop'></foo></a>")
{'a': [{'@foo': 'bar', 'foo': [{'@bar': 'baz'}, {'@bing': 'bop'}]}]}


Name Type Description
input_str str

The XML string to parse


Type Description

The parsed XML

Source code in orbiter/
def xmltodict_parse(input_str: str) -> Any:
    """Calls `xmltodict.parse` and does post-processing fixes.

    !!! note

        The original [`xmltodict.parse`]( method returns EITHER:

        - a dict (one child element of type)
        - or a list of dict (many child element of type)

        This behavior can be confusing, and is an issue with the original xml spec being referenced.

        **This method deviates by standardizing to the latter case (always a `list[dict]`).**

        **All XML elements will be a list of dictionaries, even if there's only one element.**

    >>> xmltodict_parse("")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: no element found: line 1, column 0
    >>> xmltodict_parse("<a></a>")
    {'a': None}
    >>> xmltodict_parse("<a foo='bar'></a>")
    {'a': [{'@foo': 'bar'}]}
    >>> xmltodict_parse("<a foo='bar'><foo bar='baz'></foo></a>")  # Singleton - gets modified
    {'a': [{'@foo': 'bar', 'foo': [{'@bar': 'baz'}]}]}
    >>> xmltodict_parse("<a foo='bar'><foo bar='baz'><bar><bop></bop></bar></foo></a>")  # Nested Singletons - modified
    {'a': [{'@foo': 'bar', 'foo': [{'@bar': 'baz', 'bar': [{'bop': None}]}]}]}
    >>> xmltodict_parse("<a foo='bar'><foo bar='baz'></foo><foo bing='bop'></foo></a>")
    {'a': [{'@foo': 'bar', 'foo': [{'@bar': 'baz'}, {'@bing': 'bop'}]}]}

    :param input_str: The XML string to parse
    :type input_str: str
    :return: The parsed XML
    :rtype: dict

    # noinspection t
    def _fix(d):
        """fix the dict in place, recursively, standardizing on a list of dict even if there's only one entry."""
        # if it's a dict, descend to fix
        if isinstance(d, dict):
            for k, v in d.items():
                # @keys are properties of elements, non-@keys are elements
                if not k.startswith("@"):
                    if isinstance(v, dict):
                        # THE FIX
                        # any non-@keys should be a list of dict, even if there's just one of the element
                        d[k] = [v]
        # if it's a list, descend to fix
        if isinstance(d, list):
            for v in d:

    output = xmltodict.parse(input_str)
    return output



A list of rules, which are evaluated to generate different types of output

You must pass a Rule (or dict with the schema of Rule)

>>> from orbiter.rules import rule
>>> @rule
... def x(val):
...    return None
>>> Ruleset(ruleset=[x, {"rule": lambda: None}])
... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Ruleset(ruleset=[Rule(...), Rule(...)])


You can't pass non-Rules

>>> # noinspection PyTypeChecker
... Ruleset(ruleset=[None])
... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
pydantic_core._pydantic_core.ValidationError: ...


Name Type Description
ruleset List[Rule | Callable[[Any], Any | None]]

List of Rule (or dict with the schema of Rule)


Name Description

Apply all rules in ruleset to a single item, in priority order, removing any None results.


Apply a ruleset to each item in collection (such as dict().items())


    take_first: bool = False, **kwargs
) -> List[Any] | Any

Apply all rules in ruleset to a single item, in priority order, removing any None results.

A ruleset with one rule can produce up to one result

>>> from orbiter.rules import rule

>>> @rule
... def gt_4(val):
...     return str(val) if val > 4 else None
>>> Ruleset(ruleset=[gt_4]).apply(val=5)

Many rules can produce many results, one for each rule.

>>> @rule
... def gt_3(val):
...    return str(val) if val > 3 else None
>>> Ruleset(ruleset=[gt_4, gt_3]).apply(val=5)
['5', '5']

The take_first flag will evaluate rules in the ruleset and return the first match

>>> Ruleset(ruleset=[gt_4, gt_3]).apply(val=5, take_first=True)

If nothing matched, an empty list is returned

>>> @rule
... def always_none(val):
...     return None
>>> @rule
... def more_always_none(val):
...     return None
>>> Ruleset(ruleset=[always_none, more_always_none]).apply(val=5)

If nothing matched, and take_first=True, None is returned

>>> Ruleset(ruleset=[always_none, more_always_none]).apply(val=5, take_first=True)
... # None


If no input is given, an error is returned

>>> Ruleset(ruleset=[always_none]).apply()
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: No values provided! Supply at least one key=val pair as kwargs!


Name Type Description
take_first bool

only take the first (if any) result from the ruleset application


key=val pairs to pass to the evaluated rule function


Type Description
List[Any] | Any | None

List of rules that evaluated to Any (in priority order), or an empty list, or Any (if take_first=True)


Type Description

if the Ruleset is empty or input_val is None


if the Rule raises an exception

Source code in orbiter/rules/
def apply(self, take_first: bool = False, **kwargs) -> List[Any] | Any:
    Apply all rules in ruleset **to a single item**, in priority order, removing any `None` results.

    A ruleset with one rule can produce **up to one** result
    >>> from orbiter.rules import rule

    >>> @rule
    ... def gt_4(val):
    ...     return str(val) if val > 4 else None
    >>> Ruleset(ruleset=[gt_4]).apply(val=5)


    Many rules can produce many results, one for each rule.
    >>> @rule
    ... def gt_3(val):
    ...    return str(val) if val > 3 else None
    >>> Ruleset(ruleset=[gt_4, gt_3]).apply(val=5)
    ['5', '5']


    The `take_first` flag will evaluate rules in the ruleset and return the first match
    >>> Ruleset(ruleset=[gt_4, gt_3]).apply(val=5, take_first=True)


    If nothing matched, an empty list is returned
    >>> @rule
    ... def always_none(val):
    ...     return None
    >>> @rule
    ... def more_always_none(val):
    ...     return None
    >>> Ruleset(ruleset=[always_none, more_always_none]).apply(val=5)


    If nothing matched, and `take_first=True`, `None` is returned
    >>> Ruleset(ruleset=[always_none, more_always_none]).apply(val=5, take_first=True)
    ... # None


    !!! tip

        If no input is given, an error is returned
        >>> Ruleset(ruleset=[always_none]).apply()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        RuntimeError: No values provided! Supply at least one key=val pair as kwargs!


    :param take_first: only take the first (if any) result from the ruleset application
    :type take_first: bool
    :param kwargs: key=val pairs to pass to the evaluated rule function
    :returns: List of rules that evaluated to `Any` (in priority order),
                or an empty list,
                or `Any` (if `take_first=True`)
    :rtype: List[Any] | Any | None
    :raises RuntimeError: if the Ruleset is empty or input_val is None
    :raises RuntimeError: if the Rule raises an exception
    if not len(kwargs):
        raise RuntimeError("No values provided! Supply at least one key=val pair as kwargs!")
    results = []
    for _rule in self._sorted():
        result = _rule(**kwargs)
        should_show_input = "val" in kwargs and not (
            isinstance(kwargs["val"], OrbiterProject) or isinstance(kwargs["val"], OrbiterDAG)
        if result is not None:
                f"[RULESET MATCHED] '{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}'\n"
                f"[RULE MATCHED] '{_rule.__name__}'\n"
                f"[INPUT] {trim_dict(kwargs) if should_show_input else '<Skipping...>'}\n"
                f"[RETURN] {trim_dict(result)}\n"
            if take_first:
                return result
    return None if take_first and not len(results) else results


    input_val: Collection[Any], take_first: bool = False
) -> List[List[Any]] | List[Any]

Apply a ruleset to each item in collection (such as dict().items()) and return any results that are not None

You can turn the output of apply_many into a dict, if the rule takes and returns a tuple

>>> from itertools import chain
>>> from orbiter.rules import rule

>>> @rule
... def filter_for_type_folder(val):
...   (key, val) = val
...   return (key, val) if val.get('Type', '') == 'Folder' else None
>>> ruleset = Ruleset(ruleset=[filter_for_type_folder])
>>> input_dict = {
...    "a": {"Type": "Folder"},
...    "b": {"Type": "File"},
...    "c": {"Type": "Folder"},
... }
>>> dict(chain(*chain(ruleset.apply_many(input_dict.items()))))
... # use dict(chain(*chain(...))), if using `take_first=True`, to turn many results back into dict
{'a': {'Type': 'Folder'}, 'c': {'Type': 'Folder'}}
>>> dict(ruleset.apply_many(input_dict.items(), take_first=True))
... # use dict(...) directly, if using `take_first=True`, to turn results back into dict
{'a': {'Type': 'Folder'}, 'c': {'Type': 'Folder'}}


You cannot pass input without length

>>> ruleset.apply_many({})
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Input is not Collection[Any] with length!


Name Type Description
input_val Collection[Any]

List to evaluate ruleset over

take_first bool

Only take the first (if any) result from each ruleset application


Type Description
List[List[Any]] | List[Any]

List of list with all non-null evaluations for each item
or list of the first non-null evaluation for each item (if take_first=True)


Type Description

if the Ruleset or input_vals are empty


if the Rule raises an exception

Source code in orbiter/rules/
def apply_many(
    input_val: Collection[Any],
    take_first: bool = False,
) -> List[List[Any]] | List[Any]:
    Apply a ruleset to each item in collection (such as `dict().items()`)
    and return any results that are not `None`

    You can turn the output of `apply_many` into a dict, if the rule takes and returns a tuple
    >>> from itertools import chain
    >>> from orbiter.rules import rule

    >>> @rule
    ... def filter_for_type_folder(val):
    ...   (key, val) = val
    ...   return (key, val) if val.get('Type', '') == 'Folder' else None
    >>> ruleset = Ruleset(ruleset=[filter_for_type_folder])
    >>> input_dict = {
    ...    "a": {"Type": "Folder"},
    ...    "b": {"Type": "File"},
    ...    "c": {"Type": "Folder"},
    ... }
    >>> dict(chain(*chain(ruleset.apply_many(input_dict.items()))))
    ... # use dict(chain(*chain(...))), if using `take_first=True`, to turn many results back into dict
    {'a': {'Type': 'Folder'}, 'c': {'Type': 'Folder'}}
    >>> dict(ruleset.apply_many(input_dict.items(), take_first=True))
    ... # use dict(...) directly, if using `take_first=True`, to turn results back into dict
    {'a': {'Type': 'Folder'}, 'c': {'Type': 'Folder'}}

    !!! tip

        You cannot pass input without length
        >>> ruleset.apply_many({})
        ... # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        RuntimeError: Input is not Collection[Any] with length!

    :param input_val: List to evaluate ruleset over
    :type input_val: Collection[Any]
    :param take_first: Only take the first (if any) result from each ruleset application
    :type take_first: bool
    :returns: List of list with all non-null evaluations for each item<br>
              or list of the first non-null evaluation for each item (if `take_first=True`)
    :rtype: List[List[Any]] | List[Any]
    :raises RuntimeError: if the Ruleset or input_vals are empty
    :raises RuntimeError: if the Rule raises an exception
    # Validate Input
    if not input_val or not len(input_val):
        raise RuntimeError("Input is not `Collection[Any]` with length!")

    return [
        results[0] if take_first else results
        for item in input_val
        if (results := self.apply(take_first=False, val=item)) is not None and len(results)


Bases: Ruleset

Ruleset of DAGFilterRule


Bases: Ruleset

Ruleset of DAGRule


Bases: Ruleset

Ruleset of TaskFilterRule


Bases: Ruleset

Ruleset of TaskRule


Bases: Ruleset

Ruleset of TaskDependencyRule


Bases: Ruleset

Ruleset of PostProcessingRule