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Objects are returned from Rules during a translation, and are rendered to produce an Apache Airflow Project

An OrbiterProject holds everything necessary to render an Airflow Project. It is generated by a TranslationRuleset.translate_fn.

Diagram of Orbiter Translation

Workflows are represented by a OrbiterDAG which is a Directed Acyclic Graph (of Tasks).

OrbiterOperators represent Airflow Tasks, which are units of work. An Operator is a pre-defined task with specific functionality.


AbstractBaseClass for Orbiter objects, provides a number of properties


Name Type Description
imports List[OrbiterRequirement]

List of OrbiterRequirement objects

orbiter_kwargs dict, optional

Optional dictionary of keyword arguments, to preserve what was originally parsed by a rule

orbiter_conns Set[OrbiterConnection], optional

Optional set of OrbiterConnection objects

orbiter_env_vars Set[OrbiterEnvVar], optional

Optional set of OrbiterEnvVar objects

orbiter_includes Set[OrbiterInclude], optional

Optional set of OrbiterInclude objects

orbiter_vars Set[OrbiterVariable], optional

Optional set of OrbiterVariable objects