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Airflow callback functions are often used to send emails, slack messages, or other notifications when a task fails, succeeds, or is retried. They can also run any general Python function.


Represents an Airflow callback function, which might be used in DAG.on_failure_callback, or Task.on_success_callback, or etc.

Can be instantiated directly as a bare callback function (with no arguments):

>>> from orbiter.objects.dag import OrbiterDAG
>>> from orbiter.objects.include import OrbiterInclude
>>> my_callback = OrbiterCallback(
...     function="my_callback",
...     imports=[OrbiterRequirement(module="my_callback", names=["my_callback"])],
...     orbiter_includes={OrbiterInclude(filepath="", contents="...")}
... )
>>> OrbiterDAG(dag_id='', file_path='', on_failure_callback=my_callback)
... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
from airflow import DAG
from my_callback import my_callback
with DAG(... on_failure_callback=my_callback):

or be subclassed:

>>> class OrbiterMyCallback(OrbiterCallback):
...   function: str = "my_callback"
...   foo: str
...   bar: str
...   render_attributes: RenderAttributes = ["foo", "bar"]
>>> OrbiterMyCallback(foo="fop", bar="bop")
my_callback(foo='fop', bar='bop')


Name Type Description
function str

The name of the function to call


OrbiterBase inherited properties



An Airflow SMTP Callback


Use smtp_conn_id and reference an SMTP Connection.

You can use the **conn_id("SMTP", conn_type="smtp") utility function to set both properties at once.

>>> [_import] = OrbiterSmtpNotifierCallback(to="").imports; _import
OrbiterRequirements(names=[send_smtp_notification], package=apache-airflow-providers-smtp, module=airflow.providers.smtp.notifications.smtp, sys_package=None)

>>> OrbiterSmtpNotifierCallback(to="", from_email="", subject="Hello", html_content="World")
send_smtp_notification(to='', from_email='', smtp_conn_id='SMTP', subject='Hello', html_content='World')


Name Type Description
to str | Iterable[str]

The email address to send to

from_email str, optional

The email address to send from

smtp_conn_id str, optional

The connection id to use (Note: use the **conn_id(...) utility function). Defaults to "SMTP"

subject str, optional

The subject of the email

html_content str, optional

The content of the email

cc str | Iterable[str], optional

The email address to cc


OrbiterBase inherited properties