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These operators are included and are intended to represent some of the most common Airflow Operators, but not all Airflow Operators.

Additional Operators can be created by subclassing OrbiterOperator or using OrbiterTask directly.

Review the Astronomer Registry to find additional Airflow Operators.



Bases: OrbiterOperator

An Airflow BashOperator. Used to run shell commands.

>>> OrbiterBashOperator(task_id="foo", bash_command="echo 'hello world'")
foo_task = BashOperator(task_id='foo', bash_command="echo 'hello world'")


Name Type Description
task_id str

The task_id for the operator

bash_command str

The shell command to execute


Extra arguments to pass to the operator


OrbiterBase inherited properties



Bases: OrbiterOperator

An Airflow EmptyOperator. Does nothing.

>>> OrbiterEmptyOperator(task_id="foo")
foo_task = EmptyOperator(task_id='foo')


Name Type Description
task_id str

The task_id for the operator


Extra arguments to pass to the operator


OrbiterBase inherited properties



Bases: OrbiterOperator

An Airflow PythonOperator. Used to execute any Python Function.

>>> def foo(a, b):
...    print(a + b)
>>> OrbiterPythonOperator(task_id="foo", python_callable=foo)
def foo(a, b):
   print(a + b)
foo_task = PythonOperator(task_id='foo', python_callable=foo)


Name Type Description
task_id str

The task_id for the operator

python_callable Callable

The python function to execute

op_args list | None, optional

The arguments to pass to the python function, defaults to None

op_kwargs dict | None, optional

The keyword arguments to pass to the python function, defaults to None


Extra arguments to pass to the operator


OrbiterBase inherited properties



Bases: OrbiterOperator

An Airflow EmailOperator. Used to send emails.

>>> OrbiterEmailOperator(
...   task_id="foo", to="", subject="Hello", html_content="World!"
... )
foo_task = EmailOperator(task_id='foo', to='', subject='Hello', html_content='World!', conn_id='SMTP')


Name Type Description
task_id str

The task_id for the operator

to str | list[str]

The recipient of the email

subject str

The subject of the email

html_content str

The content of the email

files list, optional

The files to attach to the email, defaults to None

conn_id str, optional

The SMTP connection to use. Defaults to "SMTP" and sets orbiter_conns property


Extra arguments to pass to the operator


OrbiterBase inherited properties



Bases: OrbiterOperator

An Airflow Generic SQL Operator. Used to run SQL against any Database.

>>> OrbiterSQLExecuteQueryOperator(
...   task_id="foo", conn_id='sql', sql="select 1;"
... )
foo_task = SQLExecuteQueryOperator(task_id='foo', conn_id='sql', sql='select 1;')


Name Type Description
task_id str

The task_id for the operator

conn_id str

The SQL connection to utilize. (Note: use the **conn_id(...) utility function)

sql str

The SQL to execute


Extra arguments to pass to the operator


OrbiterBase inherited properties



Bases: OrbiterOperator

An Airflow SSHOperator. Used to run shell commands over SSH.

>>> OrbiterSSHOperator(task_id="foo", ssh_conn_id="SSH", command="echo 'hello world'")
foo_task = SSHOperator(task_id='foo', ssh_conn_id='SSH', command="echo 'hello world'")


Name Type Description
task_id str

The task_id for the operator

ssh_conn_id str

The SSH connection to use. (Note: use the **conn_id(...) utility function)

command str

The command to execute

environment dict, optional

The environment variables to set, defaults to None


Extra arguments to pass to the operator


OrbiterBase inherited properties