
class RayJobTrigger(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: BaseTrigger

Triggers and monitors the status of a Ray job.

This trigger periodically checks the status of a submitted job on a Ray cluster and yields events based on the job’s status. It handles timeouts and errors during the polling process.

  • job_id – The unique identifier of the Ray job.

  • conn_id – The connection ID for the Ray cluster.

  • xcom_dashboard_url – Optional URL for the Ray dashboard.

  • poll_interval – The interval in seconds at which to poll the job status. Defaults to 30 seconds.

  • fetch_logs – Whether to fetch and stream logs. Defaults to True.

property hook: RayHook

Lazily initializes and returns a RayHook instance.


An instance of RayHook configured with the connection ID and dashboard URL.

async run() AsyncIterator[airflow.triggers.base.TriggerEvent]

Asynchronously polls the job status and yields events based on the job’s state.

This method gets job status at each poll interval and streams logs if available. It yields a TriggerEvent upon job completion, cancellation, or failure.


TriggerEvent containing the status, message, and job ID related to the job.

serialize() tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]

Serializes the trigger’s configuration.


A tuple containing the fully qualified class name and a dictionary of its parameters.